The Western Australian Ground Control Group (WAGCG) has been providing a forum for discussion on ground control practices in the mining industry since 2005. The group welcomes membership and contributions from those involved with ground control from mining, consulting, contracting and supply companies, from universities and government.
The WAGCG aims to meet multiple times per year in both Perth and Kalgoorlie
Each meeting revolves around technical discussion related to ground control. The discussion sessions aims to cover new ideas, projects and technologies being trialled and developed. The meeting forum allows trading of ideas in a supportive, collaborative environment and aims to solve common problems. WAGCG members are invited to present and participate in discussions while remaining respectful of others and maintaining appropriate professional standards.
Membership is open to representatives of mining, consulting, contracting and supply companies, universities and government. Please see the contact page to get in touch.
The group is supported by a number of industry sponsors, allowing membership and meeting attendance to be offered at minimal cost. We are grateful to our annual sponsors for 2023 as shown below…